Coptic Orthodox Church, Morris County, NJ

270 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981

St. John

the Beloved

St. Mary


On the Use of the Septuagint in the New Testament

One of the rea­sons why the Ortho­dox Church uti­lizes the Sep­tu­agint—which is is a much older and more accu­rate trans­la­tion of the Old Tes­ta­ment that was com­piled a thou­sand years before the Masoretic text found in most Bibles today—is because the New Tes­ta­ment text itself refers to the Septuagint. Of the approx­i­mately 300 Old Tes­ta­ment quotes in the New Tes­ta­ment, approx­i­mately 2/3 of them came from the Sep­tu­agint, which included the so-called ‘deute­ro­canon­i­cal’ books which Protes­tants, fol­low­ing Mar­tin Luther, later removed. Here are some examples:

Matt. 1:23 / Isa­iah 7:14 – behold, a “vir­gin” shall con­ceive. Hebrew – behold, a “young woman” shall conceive.

Matt. 3:3; Mark 1:3; John 1:23 / Isa­iah 40:3 – make “His paths straight.” Hebrew – make “level in the desert a highway.”

Matt. 9:13; 12:7 / Hosea 6:6 – I desire “mercy” and not sac­ri­fice. Hebrew – I desire “good­ness” and not sacrifice.

Matt. 12:21 / Isa­iah 42:4 – in His name will the Gen­tiles hope (or trust). Hebrew – the isles shall wait for his law.

Matt. 13:15 / Isa­iah 6:10 – heart grown dull; eyes have closed; to heal. Hebrew – heart is fat; ears are heavy; eyes are shut; be healed.

Matt. 15:9; Mark 7:7 / Isa­iah 29:13 – teach­ing as doc­trines the pre­cepts of men. Hebrew – a com­mand­ment of men (not doctrines).

Matt. 21:16 / Psalm 8:2 – out of the mouth of babes and suck­lings thou has “per­fect praise.” Hebrew – thou has “estab­lished strength.”

Mark 7:6–8 – Jesus quotes Isa­iah 29:13 from the Sep­tu­agint – “This peo­ple hon­ors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they wor­ship me, teach­ing as doc­trines the pre­cepts of men.”

Luke 3:5–6 / Isa­iah 40:4–5 – crooked be made straight, rough ways smooth, shall see sal­va­tion. Hebrew – omits these phrases.

Luke 4:18 / Isa­iah 61:1 – and recov­er­ing of sight to the blind. Hebrew – the open­ing of prison to them that are bound.

Luke 4:18 / Isa­iah 58:6 – to set at lib­erty those that are oppressed (or bruised). Hebrew – to let the oppressed go free.

John 6:31 / Psalm 78:24 – He gave them “bread” out of heaven to eat. Hebrew – gave them “food” or “grain” from heaven.

John 12:38 / Isa­iah 53:1 – who has believed our “report?” Hebrew – who has believed our “message?”

John 12:40 / Isa­iah 6:10 – lest they should see with eyes…turn for me to heal them. Hebrew – shut their eyes…and be healed.

Acts 2:19 / Joel 2:30 – blood and fire and “vapor” of smoke. Hebrew – blood and fire and “pil­lars” or “columns” of smoke.

Acts 2:25–26 / Psalm 16:8 – I saw…tongue rejoiced…dwell in hope.. Hebrew – I have set…glory rejoiced…dwell in safety.

Acts 4:26 / Psalm 2:1 – the rulers “were gath­ered together.” Hebrew – rulers “take coun­sel together.”

Acts 7:14 / Gen. 46:27; Deut. 10:22 – Stephen says “seventy-five” souls went down to Egypt. Hebrew – “sev­enty” peo­ple went.

Acts 7:27–28 / Exo­dus 2:14 – uses “ruler” and judge; killed the Egypt­ian “yes­ter­day.” Hebrew – uses “prince” and there is no ref­er­ence to “yesterday.”

Acts 7:43 / Amos 5:26–27 – the tent of “Moloch” and star of god of Rephan. Hebrew – “your king,” shrine, and star of your god.

Acts 8:33 / Isa­iah 53:7–8 – in his humil­i­a­tion jus­tice was denied him. Hebrew – by oppression…he was taken away.

Acts 13:41 / Habakkuk 1:5 – you “scoffers” and won­der and “per­ish.” Hebrew – you “among the nations,” and “be astounded.”

Acts 15:17 / Amos 9:12 – the rest (or rem­nant) of “men.” Hebrew – the rem­nant of “Edom.”

Rom. 2:24 / Isa­iah 52:5 – the name of God is blas­phemed among the Gen­tiles. Hebrew – blas­phemed (there is no men­tion of the Gentiles).

Rom. 3:4 / Psalm 51:4 – thou mayest “pre­vail” (or over­come) when thou art judged. Hebrew – thou might “be clear” when thou judges.

Rom. 3:12 / Psalm 14:1,3 – they “have gone wrong.” Hebrew – they are “cor­rupt” or “filthy.”

Rom. 3:13 / Psalm 5:9 – they use their tongues to deceive. Hebrew – they flat­ter with their tongues. There is no “deceit” language.

Rom. 3:13 / Psalm 140:3 – the venom of “asps” is under their lips. Hebrew – “Adder’s” poi­son is under their lips.

Rom. 3:14 / Psalm 10:7 – whose mouth is full of curses and “bit­ter­ness.” Hebrew – curs­ing and “deceit and oppression.”

Rom. 9:17 / Exo­dus 9:16 – my power “in you”; my name may be “pro­claimed.” Hebrew – show “thee”; may name might be “declared.”

Rom. 9:25 / Hosea 2:23 – I will call my peo­ple; I will call my beloved. Hebrew – I will have mercy (love ver­sus mercy).

Rom. 9:27 / Isa­iah 10:22 – only a rem­nant of them “will be saved.” Hebrew – only a rem­nant of them “will return.”

Rom. 9:29 / Isa­iah 1:9 – had not left us “chil­dren.” Hebrew – Jehova had left us a “very small remnant.”

Rom. 9:33; 10:11; 1 Peter 2:6 / Isa­iah 28:16 – he who believes will not be “put to shame.” Hebrew – shall not be “in haste.”

Rom. 10:18 / Psalm 19:4 – their “voice” has gone out. Hebrew – their “line” is gone out.

Rom. 10:20 / Isa­iah 65:1 – I have “shown myself” to those who did not ask for me. Hebrew – I am “inquired of” by them.

Rom. 10:21 / Isa­iah 65:2 – a “dis­obe­di­ent and con­trary” peo­ple. Hebrew – a “rebel­lious” people.

Rom. 11:9–10 / Psalm 69:22–23 – “pit­fall” and “ret­ri­bu­tion” and “bend their backs.” Hebrew – “trap” and “make their loins shake.”

Rom. 11:26 / Isa­iah 59:20 – will ban­ish “ungod­li­ness.” Hebrew – turn from “transgression.”

Rom. 11:27 / Isa­iah 27:9 – when I take away their sins. Hebrew – this is all the fruit of tak­ing away his sin.

Rom. 11:34; 1 Cor. 2:16 / Isa­iah 40:13 –the “mind” of the Lord; His “coun­selor.” Hebrew – “spirit” of the Lord; “taught” Him.

Rom. 12:20 / Prov. 25:21 – feed him and give him to drink. Hebrew – give him “bread” to eat and “water” to drink.

Rom. 15:12 / Isa­iah 11:10 – the root of Jesse…”to rule the Gen­tiles.” Hebrew – stands for an ensign. There is noth­ing about the Gentiles.

Rom. 15:21 / Isa­iah 52:15 – been told “of him”; heard “of him.” Hebrew – does not men­tion “him” (the object of the prophecy).

1 Cor. 1:19 / Isa­iah 29:14 – “I will destroy” the wis­dom of the wise. Hebrew – wis­dom of their wise men “shall perish.”

1 Cor. 5:13 / Deut. 17:7 – remove the “wicked per­son.” Hebrew – purge the “evil.” This is more generic evil in the MT.

1 Cor. 15:55 / Hosea 13:14 – O death, where is thy “sting?” Hebrew – O death, where are your “plagues?”

2 Cor. 4:13 / Psalm 116:10 – I believed and so I spoke (past tense). Hebrew – I believe, for I will speak (future tense).

2 Cor. 6:2 / Isa­iah 49:8 – I have “lis­tened” to you. Hebrew – I have “answered” you.

Gal. 3:10 / Deut. 27:26 – cursed be every one who does not “abide” by all things. Hebrew – does not “con­firm” the words.

Gal. 3:13 / Deut. 21:23 – cursed is every­one who hangs on a “tree.” Hebrew – a hanged man is accursed. The word “tree” does not follow.

Gal. 4:27 / Isa­iah 54:1 – “rejoice” and “break forth and shout.” Hebrew – “sing” and “break forth into singing.”

2 Tim. 2:19 / Num. 16:5 – The Lord “knows” those who are His. Hebrew – God will “show” who are His.

Heb. 1:6 / Deut. 32:43 – let all the angels of God wor­ship Him. Hebrew – the Masoretic text omits this phrase from

Deut. 32:43.

Heb. 1:12 / Psalm 102:25 – like a “man­tle” … “roll them”… “will be changed.” Hebrew – “rai­ment”… “change”…”pass away.”

Heb. 2:7 / Psalm 8:5 – thou has made Him a lit­tle “lower than angels.” Hebrew – made Him but a lit­tle “lower than God."

Heb. 2:12 / Psalm 22:22 – I will ” sing” thy praise. Hebrew – I will praise thee. The LXX and most NTs (but not theRSV) have “sing.”

Heb. 2:13 / Isa­iah 8:17 – I will “put my trust in Him.” Hebrew – I will “look for Him.”

Heb. 3:15 / Psalm 95:8 – do not harden your hearts as “in the rebel­lion.” Hebrew – harden not your hearts “as at Meribah.”

Heb. 3:15; 4:7 / Psalm 95:7 – when you hear His voice do not harden not your hearts. Hebrew – oh that you would hear His voice!

Heb. 8:9–10 / Jer. 31:32–33 – (noth­ing about hus­band); laws into their mind. Hebrew – I was a hus­band; law in their inward parts.

Heb. 9:28 / Isa­iah 10:22 – “to save those” who are eagerly await­ing for Him. Hebrew – a rem­nant of them “shall return.”

Heb. 10:5 / Psalm 40:6 – “but a body hast thou pre­pared for me.” Hebrew – “mine ears hast thou opened.”

Heb. 10:38 / Hab. 2:3–4 – if he shrinks (or draws) back, my soul shall have no plea­sure. Hebrew – his soul is puffed up, not upright.

Heb. 11:5 / Gen. 5:24 – Enoch was not “found.” Hebrew – Enoch was “not.”

Heb. 11:21 / Gen. 47:31 – Israel, bow­ing “over the head of his staff.” Hebrew – there is noth­ing about bow­ing over the head of his staff.

Heb. 12:6 / Prov. 3:12 – He chas­tises every son whom He receives. Hebrew – even as a father the son in whom he delights.

Heb. 13:6 / Psalm 118:6 – the Lord “is my helper.” Hebrew – Jehova “is on my side.” The LXX and the NT are identical.

James 4:6 / Prov. 3:34 – God opposes the proud but gives grace to the hum­ble. Hebrew – He scoffs at scoffers and gives grace to the lowly.

1 Peter 1:24 / Isa­iah 40:6 – all its “glory” like the flower. Hebrew – all the “good­li­ness” as the flower.

1 Pet. 2:9 / Exo­dus 19:6 – you are a “royal priest­hood.” Hebrew – you shall be to me a “king­dom of priests.”

1 Pet. 2:9 / Isa­iah 43:21 – God’s own people…who called you out of dark­ness. Heb. – which I formed myself. These are dif­fer­ent actions.

1 Pet. 2:22 / Isa­iah 53:9 – he “com­mit­ted no sin.” Hebrew – he “had done no violence.”

1 Pet. 4:18 / Prov. 11:31 – if a right­eous man “is scarcely saved.” Hebrew – if the right­eous “is recompensed.”

1 Pet. 5:5 / Prov. 3:34 – God opposes the proud but gives grace to the hum­ble. Hebrew – He scoffs at scoffers and gives grace to lowly.

Isa­iah 11:2 – this verse describes the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but the sev­enth gift, “piety,” is only found in the Septuagint.

On the Use of the Septuagint in the New Testament